Thousands of Horses at Risk of Founder Due to Fears Regarding Chromium

Released on = March 24, 2006, 8:01 am

Press Release Author = Virginia Equine Research

Industry = Agriculture

Press Release Summary = Every spring, many horses are at risk of \'founder\' from rich
grasses. Chromium supplementation can help prevent founder. However, the questions
regarding the safety of Chromium Picolinate (TM) have made horse owners wary of
using the supplement. Other forms are available, however.

Press Release Body = Thousands of horses are at risk of founder, due to fears
surrounding Chromium PicolinateT - an ingredient in many equine supplements.

Every spring, when nighttime temperatures are 37-41 degrees and daytime highs
exceed 58 degrees, the sugar content of pasture grasses reaches levels
dangerous to many horses.

Research has shown that chromium, as a supplement, can protect these horses by
stabilizing blood sugar levels. This helps prevents the crippling and often
fatal condition known as "insulin shock founder".

However, since the controversy profiled in a national news magazine surrounding
the safety of Chromium Picolinate T, many horse owners have been wary of using
chromium supplementation. This is "truly unfortunate," according to Karl
Donaghy of Virginia Equine Research. "We would strongly encourage owners of
founder prone horses to do their homework regarding chromium. The natural form
of chromium is shown to be safe. Owners simply need to track it down in
desirable combinations. They can make all the difference in the world to the
quality of life of these horses."

Horses at risk from rich spring grass are often confined to their stall or a
small dirt lot, just to keep them from being destroyed by their own pasture.
Donaghy asserts that many of these horses can now live a much more normal life,
including time out on pasture. The relief this gives owners from the guilt of
keeping their companions locked in unnatural conditions is often priceless.

Web Site =

Contact Details = Andrea Weyer
4292 Belvoir Rd.
Marshall , 20115


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